Thank you for your interest in INTERVENT, our service partners and attending INTERVENT’s training program. For transparency, while this matter is covered in the Terms of Service that you accept when completing our HRA and the systems-related Acceptable Use Policy that you may sign prior to beginning your training, you will be acting as a guest using INTERVENT’s Intellectual Property that we have developed over many years and we expect that you will treat this usage with the respect that is deserved. By your access of the INTERVENT site, you affirm that your usage of the site is strictly for the purpose of training in connection with a potential position with INTERVENT, with a position in an organization with whom INTERVENT contracts or in connection with another approved INTERVENT service.  Except as an individual participant in the INTERVENT program or as may be specified in a software as a service/license agreement between INTERVENT and a client for whom you work, any other use is strictly prohibited. Thank you.